Tell us about your diagnosis
In 2023, when drying off after a shower I noticed that my right breast was much heavier than normal. I saw my family doctor and he recommended that I see Dr. Strickland, who specializes in breast cancer. After the necessary testing procedures I had a full mastectomy in 2024.
What was your first thought when diagnosed?
I was confident that I could deal with whatever came my way.
Tell us about your journey
I had 3 months of chemo prior to surgery, which was very difficult to deal with, then the surgery , followed by 5 weeks of radiation. One chemo drug will continue for the duration of the year. The hardest part was seeing myself in the mirror and wondering what others saw. Fortunately there is help available for this as well. Now my journey is over and all is well.
What is your most vivid memory of your cancer journey?
Having the support of my family and many friends who continue to this day to check on me and offer their love.
What would you share with someone else who is on this journey?
The fact that we can handle anything given to us with the right attitude and support of loved ones.